Exam Details - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Exam Details

The CCHP-A Exam

The Advanced CCHP examination is administered at each NCCHC conference (see the Exam Calendar), at Prometric test centers and online.

There is no charge to take the exam at a conference. Prometric charges $72 for the CCHP-A online or test center exam.


An essay examination is used to measure the possession, application and interpretation of knowledge necessary for professional practice in correctional health care. It does not seek to measure clinical competency. Candidates take a four-hour proctored examination consisting of eight essay questions. They may use a laptop to write the exam. The examination is developed and graded by the CCHP Board of Trustees. It is graded on a pass/fail basis; a candidate must receive an overall score of 70% in order to pass.

For more details about the exam, see the CCHP-A brochure, which contains program information, a study guide and the application.


Candidates will be notified of their test results by mail within one month of taking the examination. Test results will be released only to the candidate. A list of passing candidates will be published following each examination. No reference will be made to the names of candidates who have deferred taking the examination or have not attained a passing score.


Candidates who do not achieve a passing score on the CCHP-A examination may retake the examination as long as it is within one year of the original approval. If, after a second attempt, the candidate does not achieve a passing score, a new application will need to be submitted. A candidate who does not achieve a passing score automatically retains CCHP status for one year.


Candidates who have scheduled the exam at an NCCHC conference may defer the examination for one year upon written request postmarked or emailed no later than one month before the scheduled examination.

Candidates who have scheduled the exam through Prometric for test center or online should refer to Prometric’s cancellation and rescheduling policies.