Recorded Webinars - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Recorded Webinars

All programs below provide CE for physicians, nurses, CCHPs and psychologists unless otherwise noted.


NEW! CCHP Prep Essentials: Navigating NCCHC Standards On Your Path to Certification
This training seminar will review content of the 2018 Standards for Health Services for jails and prisons and the 2022 Standards for Health Services in Juvenile Facilities that will be covered in the Certified Correctional Health Professional exam. The Standards are the foundation of NCCHC’s accreditation program as well as the CCHP program. This seminar can serve as an overview course for those new to corrections, a preliminary study session for anyone preparing for future certification, or a final review before sitting for the CCHP exam. Tips on preparing for, studying for, and taking the exam will be shared.   3.5 Hours CE. Recorded June 2024. $149. More Information/Register.

A Review of NCCHC’s Standards for Health Services in Jails/Prisons
This seminar will review the 2018 Standards, NCCHC’s recommendations for managing medical and mental health care delivery in adult correctional facilities and the foundation of its accreditation program. These editions recognize current best practices, with an emphasis on the latest changes to the standards. Whether or not your facility is accredited (or plans to be), this practical seminar will give guidance in how to implement an effective correctional health care system and demonstrate compliance with the standards. 3.5 hours CE. Recorded April 2021. $99. More Information/Register.


A Review of NCCHC’s Standards for Mental Health Services
The Standards for Mental Health Services provides a framework for improved mental health care delivery and outcomes in adult correctional facilities. The foundation of NCCHC’s mental health accreditation program, these standards parallel those for health services, but they make more explicit what is required for adequate delivery of mental health services. This practical seminar will explain what the standards say with regard to the general areas of care and treatment, clinical records, administration, personnel and legal issues. You will leave equipped to implement quality improvements that will lead to more efficient and effective delivery of services, better patient care, fewer adverse events and reduced liability risk. 2.5 CE credits. Recorded April 2021. $99. More Information/Register.

Addressing Racial Trauma: African American Youth
Racial trauma, a continuing consequence of historical trauma, has rendered an excessive adverse impact in African American communities. Research has revealed a correlation between racism and trauma. This workshop examines the relationship between exposure to racial trauma and maladaptive behaviors. This workshop will provide tools for mental health clinicians practicing in juvenile correctional settings by utilizing culturally specific and evidence-based practices to identify and address racial trauma. 60 minutes/1 CE credit. Recorded September 2021. $59. More Information/Register

Autism: Understanding, Recognizing, and Managing This Invisible Disability
There are certain characteristics that present frequently in Autism and because people with Autism process information differently, information needs to be conveyed in a way they can understand. Knowledge of these characteristics and how to accommodate them will help decrease problematic behavior and rehabilitate the person with Autism more effectively. This course will teach you to recognize Autistic behaviors, how to de-escalate a meltdown, pre-empt a meltdown, and communicate more effectively. 60 minutes/1 CE credit hour. Recorded July 2021. $59 More Information/Register

Best Practices for Running a MAT Program
Considered the gold standard of care for OUD and repeatedly shown to increase positive health outcomes, medication-assisted treatment has been increasingly offered in correctional settings in recent years. Based on experiences from across the country, this expert panel will provide an overview of essential MAT program components and explore in-depth strategies to securing buy-in from medical and custody staff, minimizing medication diversion, conducting program evaluation, and overcoming common challenges to becoming an accredited OTP. 60 minutes/1 CE credit hour. Recorded June 2023. $65 More Information/Register

Borderline Personality Disorder: Case Studies in Conceptualization and Treatment
Like many psychiatric diagnoses, borderline personality disorder is overrepresented among justice-involved individuals. Symptoms are psychologically painful and destructive, and the diagnosis carries a stigma of being particularly challenging and treatment resistant. Understanding the underlying contributory factors to developing this disorder allows clinicians to take a trauma-responsive approach, assessing the complex trauma that often accompanies the diagnosis. This seminar moves beyond basic diagnosis and conceptualization and uses case studies to portray the complex human experience of living with borderline personality disorder in correctional settings, and the current interventions shown to be effective in treatment. 90 minutes/1.5 CE credits. Recorded January 2022. $75 More Information/Register

CCHP-MH Review Course
The 2015 edition of the Standards for Mental Health Services provides a framework for improved mental health care delivery and outcomes in adult correctional facilities. The foundation of both NCCHC’s CCHP-MH examination and mental health accreditation program, these standards make more explicit what is required for the adequate delivery of mental health services. Whether or not you have immediate plans to pursue CCHP-MH certification, this seminar will explain the standards with regard to the areas of care and treatment, clinical records, administration, personnel, legal issues and more. Members of the CCHP-MH Subcommittee since its inception, Dr. Barboza and Dr. Fleming will present this material through the lens of what is essential as you prepare for the CCHP-MH exam. 120 minutes/2 Hours CE. Recorded July 2020. $99.00 More Information/Register

Chronic Pain Management: Role of the Mental Health Provider
In this presentation, the speaker will provide an overview and rationale for the role of the mental health clinician in managing chronic pain. The importance of adopting a patient-centered approach and embracing the spirit of motivational interviewing will be discussed in the context of chronic pain management. The speaker will also describe key components of a 12-week, cognitive behavioral pain management program that was specifically designed for incarcerated patients. Practical tools (e.g., pain logs, in-cell homework, and sample treatment plans) will be reviewed. 60 minutes/1 CE credit. Recorded on April 2023. $65 More Information/Register

Mental Health Treatment Considerations for Gender Dysphoric Patients 
This session covers knowledge and best practices gained from working with the gender dysphoric population for 10 years. Relying on over 200 assessments, the presenter will share useful approaches, metrics, and phrasing for the transgender population. Attendees will learn how to assess, monitor, and provide a therapeutic experience for their gender dysphoric patients. 60 minutes/1 CE hour. Recorded July 2021. $59 More Information/Register

Opioid Use Disorder Treatment for Beginners
The presentation will review the basics of MAT selection, diagnostic criteria, treatment initiation, management, and discontinuation. The presenter will also discuss urine drug screen interpretation, support services to enhance success, and federal OTP regulations. Get invaluable information from this comprehensive overview of MAT therapy and support services from the beginner’s perspective. 60 minutes/1 Hour CE Recorded August 2022. $59  More Information/Register

Suicide Risk Assessment & Intervention 
The rate of suicide in correctional settings has increased over recent years, requiring that suicide prevention strategies be revisited. This presentation will review the research literature on suicide in corrections including risk, protective, and environmental factors. New methods that promote safety while engaging the individual in treatment will be presented. 75 minutes/1.25 Hour CE. Recorded April 2021. $65 More Information/Register


Opportunities to Improve Outcomes in Wound Care 
The presentation will address the importance of diverging from a standardized approach to wound care to a patient-specific approach with improved wound healing as the result. Attendees can expect to identify available treatment management options, correlate the effect of product selection on patient outcome, and visualize methods to integrate the patient-specific model into everyday practice. Made possible by an educational grant from Cardinal Health. 75 minutes/1.25 Hours CE. Recorded July 2023. FREE. More Information/Register

An Overview of Hepatitis C and Correctional Medicine
Given the high prevalence of HCV infection in correctional settings coupled with the fact that more than 10 million people pass through jails and prisons each year, as many as 1 million people with undiagnosed HCV infection might come into contact with the correctional system each year. It is more crucial than ever to treat our hepatitis C patients in order to prevent further spread of HCV infection or liver complications with serious outcomes after their release to the community.  Made possible by a charitable grant from Abbvie to the NCCHC Foundation. 60 minutes/1 Hour CE. Recorded May 2022 FREE. More Information/Register

STI Treatment Guidelines: Update on the 2021 Recommendations and Juvenile Considerations
This webinar will focus on important treatment updates for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium, pelvic inflammatory disease, and recurrent/persistent urethritis in males. Recommendations for STI screening as well as barriers and facilitators to care for adolescents in correctional facilities will be discussed. 90 minutes/1.5 Hours CE. Recorded September 2022. $59. More Information/Register


How to Achieve Success as a Correctional Nurse Manager: A Four-Part Series
The Nurse Advisory Council of NCCHC’s Multidisciplinary Education Committee has developed a four-part series on correctional nurse manager development. The series is for the novice correctional nurse manager as well as staff nurses whose next step in their career progression is that role. The presentations will introduce key concepts and skills necessary to become successful nurse managers. Topics include: leadership and management; human resources skills and introduction to and implementation, oversight, and monitoring of critical service areas. 240 minutes / 4 hours CE. Recorded August 2021. $159.00 More Information/Register

Meeting The Challenge of Correctional Nursing: Review for the CCHP-RN
While traditional nursing experiences may help in your transition to corrections, not one of them can fully prepare you for the role of a correctional nurse. It is a specialty that is often learned through on-the-job training, until now. Whether you are new to correctional health care or a seasoned professional, this course will provide an overview of nursing responsibilities from intake to release and the days, or even hours, in between. The material covered is also intended to assist candidates seeking the CCHP-RN certification to prepare for the exam. 3.5 hours CE. Recorded October 2020. $149. More Information/Register

Shining the Light on Trauma-Informed Correctional Nursing Care
Universally, the prevalence of trauma histories, post-traumatic stress response, and post-traumatic stress disorder are considerably higher among incarcerated persons when compared to the general population. Correctional nurses can foster the integration of trauma-informed care by embracing trauma awareness in their professional roles; emphasizing safety and trustworthiness; providing opportunities for choice, control, and collaboration; and focusing on patients’ strengths and skill building. 60 minutes/1 hour CE. Recorded March 2022. $60. More Information/Register.


Clinical and Legal Issues for Corrections After the Dobbs Decision
This webinar will review potential clinical and legal implications for correctional facilities of the Dobbs decision overturning the constitutional right to abortion. The webinar discusses how state abortion restrictions may affect not only abortion access for people in custody, but also miscarriage and other pregnancy care that correctional facilities housing pregnant females must provide, including compliance with NCCHC standards.  60 minutes/1 hour CE. Recorded December 2022. $59.00. More Information/Register

Defensive Charting: A Legal Perspective on the Do’s and Don’ts of Documentation 
In addition to an overview of legal protections afforded to incarcerated mental health patients, this session delves into the topics of involuntary medication and hospitalization, security of MH records and other information, capacity v. competency and the proper use and role of legal guardians. The purpose it to expand participant’s understanding some of the risks and best practices for correctional mental health care. Recorded December 2023. $65 More Information/Register

Legal Issues in Managing the Mentally Ill Behind Bars
In addition to an overview of legal protections afforded to incarcerated mental health patients, this session delves into the topics of involuntary medication and hospitalization, security of MH records and other information, capacity v. competency and the proper use and role of legal guardians. The purpose it to expand participant’s understanding some of the risks and best practices for correctional mental health care. Recorded July 2021. $75 More Information/Register


Continuous Quality Improvement: Strategies & Techniques 
A CQI program provides a systematic way for sites to review, monitor, and implement change. Conducting frequent process and outcome audits/studies provides staff and site leadership with a clear picture of specific areas that need improvement. The Plan, Do, Check, Act model (PDCA) enables site leadership to complete an audit/study, review the results, conduct a root cause analysis to determine the reason(s), identify what contributed to the ‘noncompliance,’ and then develop a corrective action plan. A successful corrective action plan is the site’s guide for success. Incorporating an educational program tailored to the needs of the site’s audit results can provide staff with the tools and information needed to address knowledge-related deficits and ultimately aid in improving patient outcomes. 150 minutes/2.5 CE Credits Recorded May 2020. $99.00 More Information/Register


Registered Dietitians: The Missing Link in Correctional Health Care
This presentation will describe the role of the correctional registered dietitian. The session will include an explanation of the nutrition assessment process for educating individuals needing therapeutic diets, food allergies, double portions, and protein drinks. The assessment will be used to develop sample menus for food services. Finally, participants will examine real life scenarios demonstrating how correctional registered dietitians are the missing link in correctional health care. 60 minutes/1 hours CE credit. Recorded November 2023. $65  More Information/Register.


High and Dry: Challenges and Opportunities in Managing Substance Use Disorders in Juvenile Corrections
This presentation will discuss national trends in adolescent addiction, evidence-based practices for screening and assessment of youth substance use, and treatment options for youth with opioid use disorders. Attendees will gain a basic understanding of the clinical presentations of intoxication, withdrawal, and overdose as well as an overview of opioid use disorder treatment strategies that are feasible to implement in the correctional health care setting. 90 minutes/1.5 hours CE. Recorded March 2023. $65  More Information/Register.

STI Treatment Guidelines: Update on the 2021 Recommendations and Juvenile Considerations
This webinar will focus on important treatment updates for Neisseria gonorrhoeae, Chlamydia trachomatis, Trichomonas vaginalis, Mycoplasma genitalium, pelvic inflammatory disease, and recurrent/persistent urethritis in males. Recommendations for STI screening as well as barriers and facilitators to care for adolescents in correctional facilities will be discussed. 90 minutes/1.5 hours CE. Recorded September 2022. $59. More Information/Register


Correctional Telehealth: The Pandemic’s Impact and a Look Into the Future 
Before the Covid-19 pandemic, utilization of telehealth in corrections was hampered by both historical security concerns and aged infrastructure not designed to support the evolving technology. Numerous rapidly developing pressures came to a head during the pandemic: Security and health care staff shortages, the shutdown of non-essential outside appointments, and supply chain issues all worked to limit availability of both in-person and telehealth services. After exploring the past and current status of telehealth in corrections, this presentation will delve into the future, exploring possibilities to revolutionize how patients access care both inside and outside of the institutional walls. It will also address why legal guardrails have struggled to keep up. 1.25 Hours CE. Recorded February 2022. $60. More Information/Register.

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