How to Claim CE - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

How to Claim CE

How to Obtain Continuing Education Hours

NCCHC is accredited to award continuing education for physicians (ACCME), nurses (ANCC), social workers (NASW), psychologists (APA), correctional health care (CCHPs) and general education. All event descriptions include the amount of CE hours available and who is eligible.

To receive continuing education credit, you must complete an evaluation for each event you attend.

Log in here to access the form. Use the same username and password you used when you registered for the event.

Once you complete the evaluation, you may print your continuing education certificate. You have six months to complete your evaluation. You can continue to return to the site to print your certificate whenever it is needed.

Please help us plan the best in correctional health care education by evaluating each event you attend.

NCCHC Education Committee

  • Sylvie Stacy, MD, MPH, CCHP-CP, YesCare (chair)
  • Patricia Blair, PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care (vice chair)
  • Joel Andrade, PhD, LICSW, CCHP-MH, Falcon Correctional and Community Services
  • Sharen Barboza, PhD, CCHP-MH, Barboza Consulting, LLC
  • Eileen Couture, DO, RN, CCHP-CP, South Suburban Council for Alcohol & Substance Abuse
  • Todd Haiken, EMT, MPA, CCHP, Nassau University Medical Cente
  • AJ Harzke, DrPH, MPH, University of Texas Medical Branch Correctional Managed Care
  • Keith Ivens, MD, Torrance County Detention Facility
  • Michael Johnson, DDS, MPH, Federal Bureau of Prisons
  • Susan Laffan, RN, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, Consultant
  • Tami Rodriguez, PharmD, Federal Bureau of Prisons
  • Lori Roscoe, DNP, APRN, DNP, CCHP-RN, Correctional HealthCare Consultants
  • Samuel Soltis, PhD, MHA, CCHP, South Carolina Department of Corrections

In accordance with the NCCHC’s disclosure policy, everyone who is in a position to control NCCHC’s educational content (including planners, speakers committee members, and moderators) has been asked to disclose all relevant financial interests with any commercial interest that might be germane to the content of the presentations. Such disclosure is not intended to suggest or condone bias in any presentation but rather is elicited to provide information that attendees might deem important to their evaluation of a given presentation. NCCHC ensures that all potential conflicts of interest are identified, and mechanisms are implemented to resolve them prior to the individual’s involvement in the CE activity. No individuals on the Education Committee have disclosed a relevant financial relationship with a commercial interest outside of their employers.