JCHC Call for Reviewers - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

JCHC Call for Reviewers

Join the Editorial Review Board

The Journal of Correctional Health Care is the only national, peer-reviewed scientific journal to address correctional health care topics exclusively. Published quarterly under the direction of editor John R. Miles, MPA, JCHC features original research, case studies, best practices, literature reviews, and more to keep correctional health professionals up-to-date on trends and developments important to their field.

Qualified reviewers are used to ensure that the manuscripts published meet the highest standards of quality. Each manuscript under consideration is sent to at least two reviewers with expertise in the subject. Reviewers assess the article on criteria such as significance to the field, quality of research, and quality of writing, and then make a recommendation: accept the article, return it to the author for revision, or reject. Generally, reviewers are asked to consider no more than two or three articles per year. General areas for which reviewers are sought are as follows:

  • Administration
  • Health programs
  • Health services
  • Mental health services
  • Policy
  • Public health
  • Special populations

Those interested in becoming a reviewer should write to our editors, indicating areas of expertise: [email protected]

AJ Harzke, DrPH, MPH, MDiv
University of Texas Medical Branch
Galveston, TX, USA

Managing Editor
Jaime Shimkus, CCHP
National Commission on Correctional Health Care
Chicago, IL, USA