Publishing Opportunities - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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Publishing Opportunities

Advance your career and share your knowledge and expertise with colleagues by publishing an article in one of NCCHC's publications.

Journal of Correctional Health Care

The Journal of Correctional Health Care is the only national, peer-reviewed scientific journal to address correctional health care. Published six times a year by Mary Ann Liebert, Inc., JCHC features original research, case studies, literature reviews, best practices, and more to keep correctional health professionals informed of important trends and developments. 

The correctional health field encompasses a wide spectrum of disciplines: medicine, nursing, dental, mental health, substance abuse, community health and social programs, reentry and discharge planning, and much more. With each there are programs focusing on prevention, chronic and acute care, wellness, and cost containment. We welcome manuscripts in all of these areas, as well as recent legal decisions and their implications, administrative management, policy development, and performance improvement, both clinical and administrative. We also seek literature reviews, book reviews, case studies, and commentaries.

Please visit the JCHC website for editorial policies and online submission.

Send inquiries to the JCHC editor at [email protected].


CorrectCare magazine is sent free of charge digitally and in print to 23,000 health care professionals who work in correctional facilities and others in related fields. Published twice year, the magazine covers a broad range of topics that span clinical, legal, administrative, and professional concerns such as clinical care, health services and support, personnel and staffing, ethical issues, health records, continuous quality improvement, risk management, and medical-legal issues. We are especially interested in content that will help our readers understand and manage challenges in their work. That could include updates on a topic of interest, case studies, news, or an overview or refresher on a specific topic.

Before writing an article, we recommend that you provide us with a synopsis or outline of the proposed article. If we accept your proposal, we will provide guidance to help you develop the article. Articles generally range anywhere from 600 to 1,800 words. The magazine strives for a conversational tone, avoiding highly academic, scientific, and legal terminology. We do not use footnotes or in-text references. We assume that readers possess basic knowledge about correctional health care, so excessive background is omitted. We rely on contributors for their expertise in the subject, not their ability to submit a perfectly polished article. All articles are edited to ensure they meet the magazine’s format and style.

Authors must indicate if their article has been submitted to any other publication. This is for information purposes only. CorrectCare does not require exclusive publication rights; however, original material appearing in CorrectCare is copyrighted by NCCHC.

Articles should be submitted via email and should include each author’s name, credentials, professional affiliation, telephone number, and email address.

Submit articles or proposals to the NCCHC editor, [email protected]; phone 773-880-1460


Another option for interested authors is the NCCHC blog, which appears on and therefore has a wide viewership. Blog posts are updated several times a month. The same guidelines apply to writing for the blog as for CorrectCare magazine; see above. The blog also welcomes personal essays about experiences working in correctional health care or with any of NCCHC’s programs or services.

If you have an idea for an article and are not sure which vehicle is most appropriate, send your idea to the NCCHC editor, [email protected].

CorrectCare Extra®

CorrectCare Extra, NCCHC’s twice-monthly e-newsletter, is sent free of charge digitally to 23,000 health care professionals who work in correctional facilities and others in related fields.

The publication features a selection of digital articles on correctional health care, links to news from other publications and platforms, and NCCHC news. The e-newsletter also publishes branded thought leadership content from advertisers. If you are interested in purchasing space for a banner ad or thought leadership content, contact [email protected].

Articles that are published on the NCCHC blog and in CorrectCare magazine are usually also featured in the CorrectCare Extra e-newsletter.