Speaker Guidelines and Template - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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Speaker Guidelines and Template


Your presentation for the National Commission on Correctional Health Care is one of the most important means of exchanging information among correctional health care professionals. These guidelines will help make your presentation as effective as possible.


The time allotment for most sessions is one hour. Please do not go over your allotted time because it will disrupt the program schedule. Plan your talk to allow 10 minutes for questions. (Adjust accordingly if your session is more than one hour.) If you have special needs for your presentation that have not already been accounted for, contact Deborah Ross, Director of Meetings, in advance – at [email protected].

Plan to speak slowly and clearly so that everyone can understand you, especially if you discuss a topic not covered in your visual presentation materials. As a rough guideline, you should allow for approximately 2-3 minutes per slide that you use for your talk. Therefore, we recommend that you plan for approximately 12-20 slides, maximum, for a 50-minute talk. An introductory slide should show the title of your presentation, your name with credentials and your affiliation.

Because the session rooms can be much larger than typical conference rooms, use large, well-spaced type on your slides and allow space for the border around the image. The maximum number of lines on your slide should be 8-10 lines of type that is preferably 24 pt size or larger for most text and never smaller than 18 pt for any text. Please use the provided template for the conference.

The organizations that allow NCCHC to offer continuing education require that NCCHC keep copies of presentation materials. In addition, conference attendees are entitled to receive presentation materials for every session, so you MUST provide an electronic copy of your slides for publication. This must be sent to NCCHC by the requested deadline. Otherwise, it is your responsibility to provide presentation handouts, typically 100 copies per session. A copy of the handout also should be provided to NCCHC.


Arrive at your session room 10 minutes before the talk begins to discuss any special arrangements or problems with the session moderator. Please check the audiovisual equipment you will be using. If you plan to use an LCD projector you must bring your own laptop.

Before your talk, the moderator will introduce you, giving, at minimum, your name, professional affiliation and presentation title. If you would like additional information to be shared with the audience, please communicate that to your moderator.

Always speak into your microphone, and when someone asks a question, please repeat it succinctly. Please refrain from making comments that could be perceived by others to be disparaging to the profession of correctional health care or the patients we serve.

Remember, you typically will have a maximum of 50 minutes for your entire presentation plus 10 minutes for questions and answers. Your moderator will signal you when you have approximately 10 minutes remaining. Your moderator may interrupt you, if necessary, to allow adequate time for questions from the audience.

For more information, email: Deborah Ross, Director of Education & Meetings, tel: (773) 880-1460 x 286

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