Standards Q & A: Qualification of Segregation Status - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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Q and A 680x510 1Nov 7, 2022

Standards Q & A: Qualification of Segregation Status

Q: We have a restricted housing unit that allows individuals to leave their cells but only to interact with others who share their segregation status and are in their specific housing unit. Are they considered segregated?

A: The short answer is yes.

The key components for segregation status, regardless of level of contact a segregated individual may have with others, is the fact they are isolated from the general population and receive services and activities apart from other inmates. The living and confinement conditions define the segregated status, not the reason the person was placed in segregation. This may include administrative segregation, disciplinary segregation, protective custody, or special housing. Individuals who are segregated and have limited contact with staff and other inmates require monitoring three days a week by medical or mental health staff per Standard G-02 Segregated Inmates. 

Wendy Habert, MBA, CCHP, is NCCHC’s director of accreditation. Send your standards-related questions to [email protected].

From CorrectCare Volume 36, Issue 2, Fall 2022

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