Use of Tobacco
Home Standards Q&A Use of Tobacco
NCCHC does not have a policy on e-cigarettes. We do have accredited facilities that allow them, and the accreditation committee has determined that they do not violate our standard F-03 Use of Tobacco.
— From CorrectCare Volume 30, Issue 4, Fall 2016
Yes. Standard F-03 Use of Tobacco requires that smoking is prohibited in all inside areas, and if the facility allows smoking outside, specific areas are designated. In addition, the standard requires that, at a minimum, the prevention and abatement program includes nicotine replacement products and written materials on prevention and abatement of tobacco use. The written materials should be available in areas accessible to all inmates (such as the clinic, library and housing). Since all applicable NCCHC standards should be addressed in policy, even if your facility is officially smoke-free, your policy still should address the standard’s compliance indicators.
— From CorrectCare Volume 23, Issue 4, Fall 2009
This indicator requires the availability of nicotine replacement products when the physician determines that it is medically necessary for an individual. While all inmates should have access to the written materials on prevention and abatement of tobacco use, nicotine replacement products supplied by health services are required only when ordered by a physician. The concern is that since nicotine use may be a significant addiction problem for some inmates, a physician should be able to prescribe aids to smoking abatement efforts when medically indicated.
— From CorrectCare Volume 17, Issue 2, Spring 2003