New CDC Guidance for COVID-19 in Corrections - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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covid virus 680x510 1Nov 30, 2022

New CDC Guidance for COVID-19 in Corrections

The Centers for Disease Control has updated its Guidance on Management of COVID-19 in Homeless Service Sites and in Correctional and Detention Facilities. It is available through this link. The summary of recent changes includes:

  • Combines and replaces previous CDC guidance documents for COVID-19 in homeless service sites and correctional and detention facilities.
  • Describes tailored everyday and enhanced COVID-19 prevention strategies.
  • Recommends adding enhanced COVID-19 prevention strategies when the COVID-19 Community Levels are high (previously medium) or when there are facility-specific risks.
  • No longer routinely recommends quarantine after someone is exposed to a person with COVID-19. Continues to provide considerations for facilities that prefer to continue implementing quarantine protocols.
  • Includes an option to end isolation for people with COVID-19 after 7 days with a negative viral test.
  • Emphasizes the importance of maximizing access to in-person visitation to promote correctional and detention facility residents’ mental health and well-being.

This guidance does not apply to dedicated patient care areas within these settings. Any health care workers who provide care in these settings should follow Infection Control Recommendations for Healthcare Personnel.

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