Meet the New Board Chair - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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ElizabethOct 2, 2023

Meet the New Board Chair

Elizabeth Lowenhaupt, MD, CCHP, is the new chair of the National Commission on Correctional Health Care Governance Board.

A board-certified pediatrician, psychiatrist, and child and adolescent psychiatrist, Dr. Lowenhaupt serves as consulting medical and psychiatric director at the Rhode Island Training School, the state’s only juvenile correctional facility, where she provides direct psychiatric assessments and treatment to incarcerated adolescents and oversees all medical, dental, and psychiatric care for detained and adjudicated youth. 

Over the past several years, she developed the “HOPE for Justice” Clinic, or “Hasbro Outpatient Psychiatric Evaluations for Justice-involved and At-Risk Youth” to expand psychiatric treatment for youth involved in the juvenile legal and child welfare systems across a continuum of community-based and residential treatment settings.

She is an associate professor in the departments of psychiatry and human behavior and pediatrics at the Warren Alpert School of Medicine at Brown University.

Dr. Lowenhaupt joined the board in 2016 as liaison for the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. She has served on the Juvenile Health Committee since 2016, taking over as chair two years later.

Patricia Blair, PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, was elected chair-elect. She serves as the name of American Bar Association to the NCCHC board.

NCCHC Governance Board 2023-2024

  • Elizabeth Lowenhaupt, MD, CCHP, chair
  • Patricia Blair, PhD, JD, CCHP-RN, CCHP-A, chair elect
  • Pauline Marcussen, DHA, RHIA, CCHP, immediate past chair
  • Joseph Penn, MD, CCHP-MH, treasurer
  • Jayne Russell, MEd, CCHP-A, secretary
  • Newton Kendig, MD
  • Sheriff Heath Taylor
  • Barbara Wakeen, MA, RDN, CCHP
  • Nancy B. White, MA, LPC

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