Challenges Facing Jails Today – and Tomorrow: Findings From an NCCHC Resources Survey of Jail Leaders
By Claire Wolfe MPH, MA, CCHP, and Fred Meyer, MA, CJM, CCHP, NCCHC Resources
Home Two Free Webinars Announced on Infectious Diseases and Monkeypox
In conjunction with the American Jail Association, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and National Sheriffs’ Association, NCCHC will present a free webinar on the latest CDC recommendations for testing, vaccination, and treatment of HIV, viral hepatitis, TB, and STIs in correctional and detention settings. This webinar is offered at no charge and takes place on September 1.
On September 6, NCCHC will offer a free webinar on treating and preventing monkeypox in correctional settings featuring Alysse Wurcel, MD, an assistant professor in the Division of Geographic Medicine and Infectious Diseases at Tufts Medical Center in Boston.
For more information on both events, visit