Medication Administration Training - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Medication Administration Training

NCCHC Standard C-05 Medication Administration Training requires that all personnel who administer or deliver prescription medication are permitted by state law to do so, and are appropriately trained as needed in matters of security, accountability, common side effects and documentation of administration of medicines. Other issues that should be discussed during the medication administration and delivery training are hoarding of medications, selling of drugs, overdoses and adherence to therapeutic regimens. Psychiatric staff should review the training materials with regard to psychotropic medications. A clinician designated by the responsible health authority and facility administrator or designee should approve the training. The standard also recommends that post training evaluation be conducted. Documentation of completed training and testing should be kept on file.

— From CorrectCare Volume 30, Issue 2, Spring 2016

Documentation of training and testing is required for all personnel who administer or deliver prescription medications. However, the content of the training may differ for health staff and correctional staff. Testing results normally are kept in each employee’s personnel file.

— From CorrectCare Volume 29, Issue 3, Summer 2015