Webinar: Caring for the Aging Population in Corrections - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Webinar: Caring for the Aging Population in Corrections

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Webinar: Caring for the Aging Population in Corrections

November 12, 2024 @ 10:00 am - 11:00 am

older male patient

Webinar #2 in the Considerations for Special Populations Webinar Series

The second webinar offered in the 3-part Considerations for Special Populations Webinar Series focuses on key issues involving the care of the aging population in corrections. This program aims to equip health care professionals, correctional staff, and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools needed to address the unique, often forgotten, needs of the incarcerated older adult patients and will emphasize the importance of compassionate, evidence-based health care to promote the well-being, dignity and respect for the older adult patient. There is a critical need to enhance services to ensure they are age-friendly and tailored to the complex needs of older individuals.

$69 ($59 for CCHPs), includes access to the power point presentation, the webinar recording and CE credit – 1.00 hours for ACCME, ANCC, APA, and CCHP.


Janet Jowitt DHA RN CCHP has 28 years of nursing experience with expertise in geriatric and correctional nursing care. She is inaugural faculty in the UNTHSC College of Nursing after serving as an Assistant Professor at Texas College of Osteopathic Medicine for six years. She received her DHA from University of Phoenix in 2008. She has dual Masters’ degrees. She received her MSN from University of Texas at Arlington in 2020 and her Master’s in Healthcare Management/Administration from California State University Bakersfield. She is board certified in Adult/Geriatric Primary Care as an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse. Dr. Jowitt is dedicated to building strong team foundations, education, and high quality, safe healthcare delivery. She has a passion for older adults and correctional health and continues to share her expertise through education and clinical practice.

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View our events page to see the other two webinars in this series: Transgender Care in Corrections: Ensuring Physical & Mental Health and Women’s Health in Corrections: Evidence-Based Updates and Practical Strategies


November 12, 2024
10:00 am - 11:00 am
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