Medication-Assisted Treatment Archives - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Medication-Assisted Treatment

incarcerated woman
Common gynecologic conditions and unique aspects of contraception provision in corrections, focusing on trauma-informed strategies and health disparities. MORE INFO
older male patient
Get the knowledge and tools needed to address the unique, often forgotten, needs of the incarcerated older adult patients. MORE INFO
Transgender flag and syringe
Unique challenges for correctional health professionals, the latest clinical data, and practical tips to ensure appropriate, timely, and necessary care. MORE
doctor writing RX notes
An overview of essential MAT program components, securing buy-in from staff, minimizing medication diversion, and overcoming common challenges to becoming an accredited OTP. 
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As the United States battles a growing opioid epidemic, corrections professionals face the considerable demands of managing a population increasingly dependent on opioids. Although
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Earlier this week, the Department of Health and Human Services announced a new practice guideline that removes barriers for providers when obtaining the “X-waiver”