Professional Development - National Commission on Correctional Health Care

Professional Development

Standard C-03 requires that qualified health care professionals participate annually in continuing education appropriate for their positions. Full-time qualified health care professionals need to obtain 12 hours of continuing education per year, and those who have patient contact must be current in cardiopulmonary resuscitation technique. Continuing education may be obtained in a variety of ways, such as staff development experiences, instruction given on-site by a member of the health staff or by guest lecturers and attendance at programs offered in the community. Attendance at a CPR training course is considered continuing education and may be counted toward the 12 hours that are required annually.

— From CorrectCare Volume 30, Issue 3, Summer 2016

No. NCCHC defines qualified health care professionals as physicians, physician assistants, nurses, nurse practitioners, dentists, mental health professionals and others who by virtue of their education, credentials and experience are permitted by law to evaluate and care for patients. Therefore, if the mental health liaisons are evaluating and caring for patients, then these mental health professionals fit into the definition of qualified health care professional and are required to be current in CPR technique under essential standard C-03 Professional Development.

— From CorrectCare Volume 24, Issue 3, Summer 2010