Infants in Correctional Facilities - National Commission on Correctional Health Care
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Infants in Correctional Facilities

The Commission’s standards do not address the provision of health care for anyone other than inmates. Whether health staff at a particular facility are responsible for providing health services to a child of an inmate who resides at the facility depends on the rules that were established to govern this program.

— From CorrectCare Volume 16, Issue 3, Summer 2002

NCCHC’s standards do not address this issue since infants are not inmates in the traditional sense of the word. My advice is to research this issue carefully before launching such a program, because there are a number of legal, ethical and financial concerns that must be addressed. You also may want to visit a correctional facility that permits “babies behind bars” (such as Bedford Hills in New York State) to see how their program operates. [Note: For further discussion, see this paper from the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Justice Programs, Prison Nurseries: A Pathway to Crime-Free Futures


— From CorrectCare Volume 15, Issue 4, Fall 2001. Updated April 7, 2022.